Ane Haaland - Ane Haaland - M.A. Social Sciences/development communication, journalist/ photographer. Offers training in interpersonal and cross-cultural communication, in health communication and management of emotions, and Voice Dialogue to individuals and groups.
Norway - Oslo
Telephone: 47-6691-4130 or 47-9073-3742
Konrad Magnus
I am a curious explorer of human consciousness and how we can mutually benefit from taking a deeper look inside, as I quote on my web-page: "If you don't go within, you go without".This includes how we have been "programmed" from early childhood by our surroundings, and how we go through phases of development towards maturity, both as individuals and as living human systems/groups.
I am a curious explorer of human consciousness and how we can mutually benefit from taking a deeper look inside, as I quote on my web-page: "If you don't go within, you go without".This includes how we have been "programmed" from early childhood by our surroundings, and how we go through phases of development towards maturity, both as individuals and as living human systems/groups.
Gerd Jorunn Nilsson
Embracing ourselves and each other - the greatest gift we can give ourselves and our universe.
Embracing ourselves and each other - the greatest gift we can give ourselves and our universe.