The Total Self
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The Total Self

The Total Self

An Inner Work DVD
— (DVD)
Hal Stone Ph.D, with Dr. Jeffry Mishlove

This is a great introductory DVD! — In this 90 minute, two-part interview with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, host of the Thinking Allowed television series, Hal Stone both introduces the theory of the Psychology of Selves and demonstrates the technique of Voice Dialogue. In the first part of the talk, Hal discusses the selves and the development of personality. Part Two gives you the chance to see Hal in action as he facilitates Jeffrey in an unrehearsed Voice Dialogue demonstration. Hal further illustrates the process by becoming the subject and allowing himself to be facilitated by Jeffrey.

The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue
Voice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue Introduction
A Fireside Chat
Article by Sidra Stone

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